Where’s the best place for a pre-dive breakfast in Ayia Napa, Cyprus?

Scuba diving makes us hungry. Very hungry. Fueling our bodies before we descend however can be a bit tricky as morning dives take place so early, and Agia Napa parties run till very very late. Breakfast before 11 is considered the crack of dawn to most, so this blog is your guide to getting the very best pre-dive food in Napa.

So, what and where do we eat before we go diving in the party town of Ayia Napa, Cyprus?

Best pre-dive breakfast spots in Agia Napa, Cyprus:

Your Hotel

Most holiday packages come with at least breakfast, but just remember to K.I.S.S. (keep it simple sexy!) and avoid the fried full English option. Eggs, nuts and bananas on a bowl of Muesli are your best bet to keep your fins flipping till lunch time.


Appetite, Ayia Napa

This restaurant is brand new and is delicious. Eggs Benedict are an absolute favorite of mine and are freshly prepared on a homemade English muffin. This is a real treat in Napa, where full English breakfasts become a haze of confusion and rather boring after a while. The owner Jazz is a bubbly breath of fresh air who cares about every aspect of your experience. Her superfood salads are amazing for a post dive treat too. To be honest you can’t fault any item on her menu and I can guarantee that once you discover Appetite in Ayia Napa you will go back day after day. Tuck in and fuel your dives all day!


Gary’s Bar, Nissi Ave, Ayia Napa

Giant fruit salads. Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon. Both are great pre-dive yummies. My personal favorite however is “Gary’s breakfast” – thick Greek Yogurt, nuts, honey and seasonal fruits. Yum. Get it to go and every cell will thank you. Gary’s bar is cheap and cheerful with super friendly staff too; you’ll be treated like family in no time. This place is just 2 minutes’ walk from scuba monkey, making it my number one port of call when I’m hungry, day or night.


Zorbas Bakery

This place is a winner if only for the fact that it’s open 24 hours and has a large selection to choose from. Whole wheat, complex carbohydrate options are best here to keep your energy levels smooth and long lasting. A fresh OJ is sunrise in a cup and your whole-body tingles in gratitude. I always take my divers there when I’m on my way to the Zenobia, as nothing else is open! The omelets are to dive for! Huge, yummy and packed your choice of filling. The waffles aren’t bad either; choose peanut butter and banana for energy that will make even the energizer bunny go that extra nautical mile.


Juice Bars

Juice Bars are everywhere along Nissi avenue and if you prefer a more liquid breakfast, but still want power, then why not get a fresh pressed juice combo to drink while you’re on your way to the dive site? My favorite is a 5-juice combo of apples, Carrots, grapes, ginger and beetroot – it makes me feel invincible!


What food makes you go, mmmmmm before your giant stride in the morning?


Source: padi

freedivinguae By freedivinguae Travel