10 Dive Resolutions to Make for 2018

You’re ready for your 2018 dive life to be even more awesome and inspiring than 2017 was, but you’re not sure how to make that happen. We’ve polled instructors, divers, non-profit founders and more to find out how they are resolving to make 2018 the most challenging and fun underwater year yet.
- Reach a new number in your logbook.
“This year, I want to hit 200 dives. I have 130 now, and 200 seems obtainable.”— Brit Siepker, Divemaster
- Give yourself the chance to encounter an animal you’ve always wanted to.
Want to swim with a whale shark in Mexico? Manatee in Florida? Humpback whale in the Silver Banks? Many of these animals have habitual hangouts, making it easy to book travel that coordinates with their natural migratory routes. If you can, book your airfare and accommodation as soon as you can so you’re committed.

- Explore the far-flung.
“My 2018 resolution is to focus on seeing new destinations that are off the beaten path for the diving world. To explore obscure locations. There is a tendency to go back to tried-and-true places, but there is just so much more out there that I want to see.” — Amanda Cotton, underwater photographer and founder of the Water Women organization, connecting women in the diving community with younger mentees.
- Find a new-to-you dive challenge.
“If your dive life is stagnating, it’s always up to you to find a way to make it more interesting. This year, I am challenging myself to do more rebreather diving.” — Alan Keller, Open Water Scuba Instructor with Adventures in Scuba, based in Calgary, Canada

- Join a conservation effort.
“I always like to challenge myself to do something I have never done before, and this year, that will include working with a new conservation project. I just haven’t decided which one yet!” — Liz Parkinson, shark handler at Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas in Nassau, Bahamas
- Give back through diving.
“I just became a public safety diver. My goal now is to be the best professional diver I can be while working with the police and sheriff’s departments.” — Pete Markusen, PADI IDC Staff Instructor with Weaver’s Dive and Travel Center in Boulder, Colorado
- Do something fun that’s a little out of character.
What’s something that you’ve always wanted to do but told yourself was too silly, too expensive or just too out there for you? Why not look into it and see if your schedule and budget can afford to take it on? Maybe your dream is to hire a photographer and arrange an underwater photo shoot in the pool or ocean. Or maybe you dream of signing up for a mermaid course and learning what it takes to swim with a tail. If you don’t have something in mind, keep your ears open for new opportunities.

- Become an instructor. If you are an instructor, teach more.
“I’m looking forward to teaching more specialty courses this coming year.” — Bill Merritt, Master Instructor Trainer with Gigglin Marlin Swim and Dive in Houston, Texas
- Challenge a friend to try diving in 2018.
You can treat your friend to a Discover Scuba Diving course, either at home or while you are traveling together. Or, invite them to watch an Open Water course.
- Find a scuba mentor.
It helps to stay inspired if we connect with those who are doing what we wish to do. Do you want to become an IDC staff instructor? Reach out and connect with someone who already holds that title. Is your retirement plan to live in the tropics? You get the idea. Start by sending an email or Facebook friend request, then ask for what you’d like most — maybe even ask if you can go diving together.
Need help convincing your friend or family member to start diving? Check out these ways you can convert your friend so you always have a dive buddy.
Source: padi