Freediving UAE celebrates the 10th anniversary

We are proud to announce that our project Freediving UAE is 10 years old! It’s time to draw some conclusions.

It’s hard to believe that so many years have passed! It seems that it began just yesterday. But these were really very interesting and intense years. We explored a lot of fascinating things, met many like-minded people and freediving enthusiasts. We have conducted regular competitions as well as a variety of workshops with top world athletes and legends like William Winram, Patrick Musim, Mike Maric, Emma Farrell, Goran Colak, Alexey Molchanov, Marina Kazankova, Andrea Zuccari and etc.

And most importantly — we helped hundreds of people to take their first steps in freediving, assisted them in getting to know the wonderful underwater world and its amazing inhabitants. As our experience shows, the probability is high that the one who once dive into the deep waters, will never be able to live the way he lived before — the underwater kingdom will become his passion.

Like many other companies, the Freediving UAE project was founded by two enthusiasts in their field — Adel Abu Haliqa and Alex Boulting. Their main desire was to help in developing the freediving in the UAE. Today, the company is owned and managed by Yuriy Rakhmatullin.

We are glad to be a leader of an ever-growing freediving community in the UAE. What to say, we ourselves put a lot of effort into the development of this sphere in the country and attracting new fans. All these years our project has been constantly developing and improving. We are proud of hundreds of satisfied customers per year, many of whom later became our friends.

How a project has developed can be judged by one good example. When we first created Freediving UAE, we made no more than one trip or a course per several months. Today, you can attend a variety of courses several times a month or go for a dive with us every weekend to wonderful, specially selected destinations. And this is just the beginning!

Thank you for choosing us! Together we will make many more exciting dives.

Yuriy - Apnea Pirate By Yuriy - Apnea Pirate History