Spinner Shark

Spinner sharks (scientific name – Carcharhinus brevipinna) live around the world, except for some regions of the Pacific Ocean.

Spinner sharks prefer moderately warm and tropical waters. These sharks choose places for their habitat mainly in shallow water, they live at a depth of up to 100 meters, more often at a depth of up to 30 meters, in island and continental shelves.

This species of sharks got its name for its unusual habit. For food, they jump out of the water with their mouths open and spin several times before being back in the water. In this case, the height of the sharks can exceed 6 meters. The main prey for Spinner sharks is schools of small bony fish. Also on the menu of these sharks are cephalopods, such as octopus, squid, and stingrays.

This species of shark is distinguished by a pointed and elongated snout with small round eyes. The first and second dorsal fins have short free rare tips. In adults, most of the fins have black marks on the tips. The body of Spinner sharks is usually gray or light brown. It is thin and elongated in shape, which also helps these sharks to jump and rotate when hunting. The maximum recorded length of Spinner sharks is about 2,8 meters. On average, males of these sharks reach a length of 1,6-2 meters, females are 1,7-2,2 meters long.

This type of shark is not considered dangerous to humans, they rarely pose a danger to divers and swimmers. However, they can be aggressive if a meeting with a person occurred during a hunt. Spinner sharks are caught commercially on a large scale and are considered close to extinct shark species.

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