Freedom in freediving - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

HOW long can you hold your breath? Training in the art (and sport) of freediving, I have learned that the usual urge to breathe comes between one and one 1/2 minutes, and it is a mental challenge to overcome it. There is a certain peace and quiet when you’re underwater down to more than 10 …

Freediving in Tonga - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

Cruisers in Tonga discover freediving and are immediately hooked on the simple elegance of a healthy pastime. I’m floating in the electric-­blue water of Tonga’s Vava‘u group. My goal is relaxation. It shouldn’t be that hard here, 50 meters from the white shores of a tiny tropical paradise. Then again, I’m not floating on the …

Dolphin diet study gives conservation clues - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

Wild dolphins need up to 33,000 calories a day, researchers have found – equivalent to about 60 portions of salmon. In contrast, Olympic swimmers – who are smaller and less active – burn about 12,000 calories a day during training. Studying the metabolic rates of whales and dolphins is important for their conservation, say scientists. …

Freediving, a Yacht & The Ionian islands - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

We have been exploring new locations and discovering site gems for years. I remember diving in Dahab in 1999, and taking my first group there in 2001 – when The Blue Hole was strictly a 4×4 excursion, since then we seem to be bombarded with offers from further and further afield, promising a freediving experience …

Scores of Dolphin Deaths Have Scientists Baffled - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

Though the dolphin die-off has be attributed to a virus, the cause of the disease remains a mystery. Since late last year, four or five dolphin carcasses have beached in Brazil each day. Scientists have confirmed that a virus is to blame, but the mortalities still have conservationists baffled. The Associated Press reports more than …

Could machine learning save this sea cow? - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

It’s hard to imagine this adorable sea cow getting caught in a fishing net, or losing its home to coastal development. Unfortunately that’s what’s happening to many populations of large marine mammals around the world. It’s urgent—sea cows are under threat of extinction. Sea cows might be cute, but it turns out they’re also really …