World’s youngest freediver aged just THREE plunges 32ft into the sea without oxygen following in the footsteps of his adventurous parents

This astonishing footage shows the world’s youngest freediver plunging 32 feet under the sea aged just three.

Fedor Afonasiev has been diving without aged oxygen since he was a two-year-old, following in the footsteps of his adventurous parents.

He was filmed pulling himself down a pole into the Blue Hole, a submarine sinkhole in the Red Sea, before resurfacing when he could not hold his breath any longer.

Fedor Afonasiev, 3, was filmed pulling himself down a pole into the Blue Hole, a submarine sinkhole in the Red Sea
Fedor Afonasiev, 3, was filmed pulling himself down a pole into the Blue Hole, a submarine sinkhole in the Red Sea
After going 32 feet underwater, he resurfaced when he could not hold his breath for any longer
After going 32 feet underwater, he resurfaced when he could not hold his breath for any longer

Fedor, whose parents are instructors, is also seen riding on his mother’s back in video taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov, 29, from Moscow.

‘This project of shooting with Fedor appeared natural when I saw him in the water,’ said Alexey.

‘I see a kid who see what his parents do and naturally follows their passion.’

Alexey used a GoPro camera to capture the video footage.

As an experienced freediver Alexey can hold his breath for eight minutes and thirty-three seconds.

Fedor, whose parents are instructors, is also seen repeating the trick on his mother's back
Fedor, whose parents are instructors, is also seen repeating the trick on his mother’s back
The footage was taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov, 29, from Moscow
Fedor has been diving without aged oxygen since he was a two-year-old, following in the footsteps of his adventurous parents
Fedor has been diving without aged oxygen since he was a two-year-old, following in the footsteps of his adventurous parents

He holds a world record depth of 423 feet while depth diving with fins.

‘There is no competitive approach for kids,’ he said.

‘We do not push Fedor to do any numbers. He does whatever he feels comfortable with. That is very important to note for any kid’s breath hold activity.

‘We think it is important for freediving to be a fun activity for kids.

‘When people see it, they cannot believe how good is Fedor underwater and that actually motivates them to start learning freediving as well.’

The Blue Hole, which is just north of Dahab in Egypt, is popular with divers all year round.

Alexey said: 'We do not push Fedor to do any numbers. He does whatever he feels comfortable with. That is very important to note for any kid's breath hold activity'
Alexey said: ‘We do not push Fedor to do any numbers. He does whatever he feels comfortable with. That is very important to note for any kid’s breath hold activity’
The Blue Hole, which is just north of Dahab in Egypt, is popular with divers all year round
The Blue Hole, which is just north of Dahab in Egypt, is popular with divers all year round

Source: dailymail

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