Freediving with Dolphins Off Hawaii on World Oceans Day

Today is World Oceans Day. Yet another reminder of the importance of protecting our oceans and its incredible inhabitants. How are you celebrating?

My roommate, big wave surfer Polly Ralda, and I are lucky enough to live on Oahu and enjoy being in the ocean each and every day. It’s our daily medicine. We owe so much to the ocean and believe it’s our responsibility as athletes to protect our playgrounds. This summer, the visibility has been crystal clear, so we wanted to share its beauty with you via our GoPro.

We were pleasantly surprised on our last freediving adventure when this majestic dolphin pod surrounded us off the Hawaiian Islands. They were swimming for as far as we could see, bunched up in groups displaying the various families and dolphin couples. We couldn’t help but listen to their peaceful singing while underwater, which you can listen to in the raw video. Let’s just say it was one of the best days of our lives…

Following this special experience, we are more motivated than ever to save our seas and fight for its many species that are depending on us to use our voice to stand up for them, and change our habits to stop polluting their home. We hope the sentiment is contagious.

Let us know what you’re doing to celebrate #WorldOceansDay by hashtagging a video on Instagram.

Video edited by Matt Hoffman (@rockoutthehoff) on the Gnarbox.

Film: @shannonreporting and @pollypoline on the GoPro Hero.


freedivinguae By freedivinguae Travel