Sandbar Shark

Sandbank shark has the scientific name Carcharhinus plumbeus and is part of the Carcharhinidae family.

Sandbank sharks are primarily inhabited in coastal areas of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. As you can guess from the name of this species of sharks, they prefer a sandy bottom for their habitat. Harbors and bays are a convenient place for their stay and hunting; their habitat is mainly island and continental shelves. Sandbank sharks can often be seen migrating during seasonal periods. They prefer a depth of 20 to 55 m, and can also be observed at a depth of up to 280 meters.

The prey of this type of shark is most often small creatures that live on the bottom, including bony fish, stingrays, octopuses, crabs, eels, squids, etc. Sandbar shark hunts both day and night, but at night its activity is higher.

Externally, the Sandbank shark is immediately recognized by the high first dorsal fin. They also have noticeable long pectoral fins. Their snout is slightly elongated and rounded at the edges. They have a gray or brownish tint to the skin. The body length of an adult shark is about 145–185 cm for females and 130–180 cm for males. The maximum individual had a recorded length of 3 meters. The approximate weight of adult sharks is 50-70 kg.

Because of their large fins, Sandbank is endangered by the commercial fishery, so in many regions this species of shark is considered to be in need of protection. However, the Sandbar sharks themselves do not constitute a serious threat to humans. Sandbar sharks are considered safe and you can even swim quite safely next to them. However, these are still massive animals, which should be treated with caution.

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