What colours do fish see?

When you are diving, have you ever wondered what colours the fish see? Do they see you coming from a mile away or are their eyes not as good as yours? Let’s take a look at what colours fish see and if they have good eyesight.

Just like humans, fish have eyes. In fact, fish eyes are very similar to human eyes. They have a cornea, pupil, iris, and retina. Fish also have rods and cones in their eyes which allow them to see light and colour. However, the number of rods and cones in fish eyes varies depending on the type of light they need to see in their environment. For instance, fish that live in dark waters will have more rods than cones because they need to be able to see in low light conditions. On the other hand, fish that live in bright waters will have more cones than rods because they need to be able to see colour.

So, what colours can fish see?

It depends on the type of water they live in and the number of cone cells in their eyes. For example, goldfish have four cone cells while human beings have three. This difference allows goldfish to see more colours than humans can. On the other hand, it is believed that fish can only see blue and green. This is because these are the colours that penetrate water the best. Red is the first colour to disappear when light enters water so it is unlikely that fish can see this colour.

There are also some fish that cannot see colour at all. These fish rely on other cues to help them find food or mate. For example, some fish use smell to find food while others use polarised light to navigate through murky waters.

Can Fish See in The Dark?

Some fish can see in complete darkness while others cannot see in dim light. For example, catfish have cells called tapeta that reflect any available light into their eyes. This helps them see in low light conditions.


So, what colours do fish see? It depends on the type of water they live in and the species of fish. Some fish can see a wider range of colours than humans can while others cannot see colour at all. 


Yevheniia Rehush By Yevheniia Rehush Facts Marine Life