The parrot fish belongs to the Scaridae family of the perchiformes order, it is distinguished by a fixed mouth and a special structure of teeth - accrete incisors on the jaws form a kind of parrot beak. Each jaw consists of two plates separated by a seam. This structure of the mouth allows the parrot to easily bite off pieces of coral.

Basking sharks, whose scientific name is Cetorhinus maximus, are the second largest species of sharks in the world, following only Whale sharks. This species of sharks chooses to inhabit both coastal continental shelves and deep waters, especially in winter they move to the area of deep shelf waters. They are found both near the surface …

What minimal equipment is needed to freedive and how expensive is it? – Minimal equipment needed to freedive is just a mask, snorkel and fins, which isn’t expensive at all. You can freedive without any gear at all actually. Nevertheless, basic items for freediving are considered to be mask, snorkel and fins. These three primary …

Pigeye shark is one of the species of a requiem shark that is part of the diverse family Carcharhinidae. Such sharks often live in the warm tropical as well as subtropical waters in the eastern geographical locations of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as in some areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Their home …

Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) is the largest representative of hammerhead sharks. This species of sharks live mainly in the warm waters of the tropics and inhabits areas around the coast. Their habitat is both continental and insular shelves, also these sharks are often found near coral reefs. Great hammerhead sharks can most often be observed …

Whale sharks are most often found in the warm waters of tropical oceans. The scientific name for whale sharks is Rhincodon typus and they are the only member of the genus. These sharks prefer open waters for habitation. But these sharks can be found both in the open waters of the oceans and near the …