Blacktip Shark - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

The Blacktip Shark lives in coastal waters worldwide – where it often encounters people, they can be found in large numbers along the Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, waters of South Africa and Madagascar, East coast of China, the Persian Gulf, waters of the Pacific Islands and the Red Sea.

Bull shark - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

These sharks are known for living near reefs, but they have a huge population over warm areas of oceans, rivers and lakes. This means they can live in both salt and freshwater systems. Despite their ability to survive in freshwater habitats they are not considered true freshwater sharks.

Silky Shark - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

The silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) has a perfectly streamlined body and is a perfect swimmer. The peculiarity of this shark is that its skin has the softest placoid scales, which is why the shark got the name "silky". This shark species owes its name to smooth skin. It is also called sickle or reef shark.

Spottail Shark - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

The Spottail shark, or sorrah shark (Carcharhinus sorrah), is one of the genus species of gray sharks. A common species of shark that lives between 31 ° N. and 31 ° S on the continental and island shelves close to the coast at a depth of 140 m. It prefers a sandy bottom but also occurs near coral reefs.

Sand Tiger Shark - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

Sand Tiger sharks are scientifically called Carcharias taurus. These sharks got their name due to the fact that they prefer to live on the sandy ocean floor, and usually stay near the coast.

Sandbar Shark - Freediving in United Arab Emirates. Courses, Certificates and Equipment

Sandbank sharks are primarily inhabited in coastal areas of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. As you can guess from the name of this species of sharks, they prefer a sandy bottom for their habitat.