The silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) has a perfectly streamlined body and is a perfect swimmer. The peculiarity of this shark is that its skin has the softest placoid scales, which is why the shark got the name "silky". This shark species owes its name to smooth skin. It is also called sickle or reef shark.
The Spottail shark, or sorrah shark (Carcharhinus sorrah), is one of the genus species of gray sharks. A common species of shark that lives between 31 ° N. and 31 ° S on the continental and island shelves close to the coast at a depth of 140 m. It prefers a sandy bottom but also occurs near coral reefs.
The Harlequin sweetlip (Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides) is a small species of fish that is found in coral reefs between 1 to 30 meters of Indian Ocean and the central-western Pacific Ocean: Bali New Guinea, Sumatra, Great Barrier Reef, Philippines, Mauritius Islands, Maldives Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu Islands.
The dumbo octopus is a pelagic umbrella octopus belonging to the Grimpoteuthis family. They were given the name "dumbo" because they resembled Dumbo, the title character from Disney's 1941 film, who has a prominent ear-like fin that stretches from the mantle above each eye. There are thirteen species in the genus. The average life span of various Grimpoteuthis species is 3 to 5 years.